Monday, December 10, 2007

First Day Alone With the Little Monkeys

So today I had to be the mother of the two little guys all by myself! I survived and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I healed a lot this weekend so I wasn't in much pain today. I'm not allowed to clean much of anything till I'm completely healed so that was the hardest part. I got kind of bored during Caden's 3 hour nap because the baby was sleeping too. When Grandma was here she bought Caden a cute monkey blanket and he dragged it around all morning, it was very cute. He also watched Polar Express with his brother. Anyway, my wonderful husband came home and vacuumed, did dishes, made cookies, and played with Caden. The cookies were part of a meal that our friends the Tolosens brought us and it made quite a bit of small chocolate cookies. We don't normally give Caden any sugar or sweets but I decided to give him a couple of nibbles of my cookies. I kept saying to Nate "Cookie" and then he would hand me one. Caden held out his hand to me and said "Cookie"! We were so excited! It was his first 2 syllable word! We thought it was so funny that his first big word was cookie and we never give him cookies. Anyway, wish me luck on the rest of the week!

1 comment:

Amber said...

So cute! I'm glad you survived your first day home all alone! I remember that feeling of "what have I gotten myself into? I'm glad I'm here, but how will I make it?"

Thanks for posting pics so I can see my two nephews!